Helical Piers
Helical Piers, also referred to as anchors, piles, and screwpiles, are installed when settlement has been diagnosed. This is one of the best noninvasive ways to properly lift or support a damaged foundation.
When homes are constructed, over time the soil around them may go through changes and possibly shift. When this occurs it can cause the foundation to settle and that does not always happen uniformly. If your home has encountered settlement some signs can be:
Cracks in brick
Windows and doors that stick or no longer function
Shearing, bowing, or tilting walls
Cosmetic cracks in interior finishes
Sagging floor systems
Gaps developing between the ceiling and wall
Nails beginning to protrude from walls and ceilings
Chimney separation from the home
Helical piers can make a difference in a large or small way. Sometimes they are installed to prevent further settlement and only to support the structure. Other times they drastically improve the living conditions in the home. Below is several examples.
Large cracks around door and windows closing
Doors and windows no longer stick
Walls and chimneys returned to plumb
Entire floor systems may be leveled
T.H.E. Construction is a certified installer of Piertech Systems
The installation consists of these steps:
Excavate to the footer of the foundation
The bracket is connected, and the helical pier is hydraulically driven into the soil.
The home's weight is transferred from the foundation to the piers.
Lifting may take place as long as the structure will allow.
The footer is recovered and the area is permanently repaired.